The time of the pyramids / Le temps des pyramides

L’époque où les pyramides et constructions de pierre/ monolithe massives ont ete construites a travers le monde est decrit dans la bible dans le recit de babel. 

[ idee le titre de mon livre s’appellera le temps des pyramides et limage du dessus sera la tour de babel frapper dun eclair, mais qui est au fait une pyramide. [

The sequence of events as presented in the Book of Genesis places the catastrophe of Babel next after the Deluge.

And the whole land was of one language and of one speech. . . . And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven. . . . And the Lord said, behold, the people is one, and they have all one language. . . . Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language that they may not understand one another’s speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth. (1)

The rabbinical sources explain that the purpose of the Tower was to secure a shelter for the city of Babel in case the Deluge should occur another time:

 The men who were before us God has destroyed with a deluge; if he shall again think fit to be wroth with us, and seek to destroy us even with a deluge, we shall all perish to a man. But come, let us prepare bricks and burn them with fire, that they may withstand the waters and building them together with asphalt, let us make a high tower the top of which shall reach to heaven, in order that being delivered from the deluge we may find safety in the tower. (1)


what have the ancients left us in testimony of towers rising up to the heavens. Let me thing about this, hmmm, huh… PYRAMIDS!

They left us mega constructions in the form of pyramids.

So what the bible is saying is that after the Great Deluge that destroyed everything, to protect themselves from a future MAJOR world catastrophy, they built huge pyramids made out of brick and asphalt. 

Babylonian texts talk of the destruction of the tower:

Other accounts give the impression that a strong electrical discharge—possibly from an overcharged ionosphere—found a contact body in the high structure. According to a tradition known to the twelfth century traveler Benjamin of Tudela, “fire from heaven fell in the midst of the tower and broke it asunder.” (9) In the Tractate Sanhedrin of the Babylonian Talmud it is said: “A third of the tower was burnt, a third sank [into the earth] and a third is still standing.” (1)



Abraham and his travels in Egypt

So now we see that the correlation Abraham – Akhenaton is not so simple to make.

Still, we keep looking.

Heres something that might seem interesting:

According to tradition, Hagar was a daughter of Pharaoh, given to Abram during his travels in Egypt. (1)

-this answers my question about why he hides the fact that Sarai is his wife:

And it came about when he came near to Egypt, that he said to Sarai his wife, « See now, I know that you are a beautiful woman; 12 and it will come about when the Egyptians see you, that they will say, ‘This is his wife’; and they will kill me, but they will let you live. 13Please say that you are my sister so that it may go well with me because of you, and that I may live on account of you. » (Genesis 12:11-13). (2)



Abraham, Akhenaton and Velikovsky

Ici on tentera de voir s’il y a corrélations entre la personne d’Oedipe, que Velikovsky voit comme la figure d’Akhenaton, et la vie d’Abraham.

Velikovsky travelled with his family to New York, intending to spend a sabbatical year researching for his book Oedipus and Akhenaton. The book was inspired by Freud’s Moses and Monotheism and explored the possibility that PharaohAkhenaton was the legendary Oedipus. Freud had argued that Akhenaton, the supposedly monotheistic Egyptian pharaoh, was the source of the religious principles that Moses taught to the people of Israel in the desert. Freud’s claim (and that of others before him) was based in part on the resemblance of Psalm 104 in the Bible to an Egyptian hymn discovered on the wall of the Tomb of Akhenaton’s general, Ai, in Akhenaton’s city of Akhetaten. To disprove Freud’s claim and to prove the Exodus as such, Velikovsky sought evidence for the Exodus in Egyptian documents. One such document was the Ipuwer Papyrus, which he felt reported events similar to several of the Biblical plagues. Since conventional Egyptology dated the Ipuwer Papyrus much earlier than either the Biblical date for the Exodus (ca. 1500—1450 BCE) or the Exodus date accepted by many of those who accepted the conventional chronology of Egypt (ca. 1250 BCE), Velikovsky had to revise the conventional chronology. (1)

Il faudrait, pour prouver un lien entre Akhenaton et Abraham, tenter de situer plus de corrélation.

Voyons alors ce qu’on dit sur Oedipe:

Œdipe (en grec ancien Οἰδίπους / Oidípous, « pieds enflés ») est un héros de la mythologie grecque. Il fait partie de la dynastie des Labdacides, les rois légendaires de la ville de Thèbes. Fils de Laïos et de Jocaste, Œdipe est principalement connu pour avoir résolu l’énigme du sphinx et pour s’être rendu involontairement coupable de parricide et d’inceste. (2)

Parfois il reste à Thèbes définitivement (Odyssée), mais le plus souvent il part en exil, soit avant (Œdipe roiŒdipe à Colone), soit après la mort de ses deux fils (les Phéniciennes). (2)

Dans tous les cas, avant de mourir Œdipe maudit ses fils, qui n’ont pas rempli leur devoir de fils en ne prenant pas bien soin de lui. C’est cette malédiction qui les amènera à se battre et à s’entretuer pour le trône de Thèbes (c’est le sujet des Sept contre Thèbes). (2)

À la découverte de l’inceste, Jocaste se pend dans presque tous les textes que nous ayons ; dans les Phéniciennes cependant, elle reste en vie jusqu’à la lutte entre ses deux fils, qu’elle tente en vain d’empêcher, puis se suicide à l’épée. (2)

– Ici j’ai mis en gras les textes relatifs à ses fils qui s’entretuent pour le royaume et qui font honte à leur père en ne préservant pas la tradition du culte d’Aton du père.

La mort d’Akhénaton est entourée de mystère. On ne sait ni quand ni comment il décède, ses successeurs ayant tout fait pour effacer les traces du roi hérétique. (3)

Rien dans wikipedia qui confirme un combat entre les successeurs d’Akhenaton pour le trône. Pourtant, Velikovsky voit un lien évident:

Thus Eteocles and Polyneices, the two sons of Oedipus who battled for the throne of Thebes after the exile of Oedipus, were identified with Tutankhamun and Smenkhare, who also apparently were in contention for the throne of Egypt. (4)

Si Abraham a tenté de tuer son fils, Oedipe lui aurait tué son père (involontairement) et dans la version de Velikovsky, Akhenaton détruit le culte des dieux de son père.

Je ne sais pas ce qui arrive au père d’Akhenaton pour l’instant, mais si je me rappelle, Velikovsky je crois disait que la mèere d’akhenaton, complotant contre son mari, l’aurait peut être fait tuer, ou il est mort et pour préserver le pouvoir, elle aurait marié son fils Akhenaton. Ce qui ne nous rapproche pas de l’histoire d’Abraham pour autant.

Y a-t-il une lutte entre les fils d’Abraham. Possible, vu qu’un est plus « légitime » que l’autre, Isaac étant né de sa femme Sarah, et Ishmaël, de son esclave. Voyons voir si on peut trouver quelque chose à ce propos:

As we know, Isaac was not Abraham’s first born, for Hagar had borne him Ishmael thirteen years earlier. But Ishmael had not grown up as his father had hoped. He was inclined towards many things Abraham considered wicked. Ishmael even prayed to idols when he believed himself unobserved.

Sarah observed him and realized that he would have a bad influence upon the young Isaac. She therefore implored Abraham to send Ishmael away. Abraham understood the motive of his wife’s request, but he feared to send his son away to a place where he might become even worse. However, G-d told Abraham to do as Sarah had requested, and Abraham then sent Hagar and Ishmael away, providing them with water and food for the journey. (5)

– Ici on voit qu’il pourrait y avoir raison de conflit entre frères, mais pas de mention de combat, encore moins de lutte pour un trône.

En ce qui à trait à l’exode d’Akhenaton:

Abraham decided to move south. He left Hebron, where he had dwelt for twenty-five years and went to Gerar, in the land of the Philistines. (5)

As he had done in Egypt many years earlier, Abraham again concealed the fact that Sarah was his wife, fearing that the Philistines might want to slay him. Believing that Sarah was Abraham’s sister, King Abimelech of the Philistines had her brought to the palace. (5)

-Why the hypocrisy? Why did he have to hide the truth about his wife being his wife? Il y a aussi possiblement des liens à faire avec des connotations incestueuses similaires à l’histoire d’Oedipe qui épouse sa mère, mais c’est encore très floue.






Abraham and Akhenaton

I dont know much about the life of Abraham or Akhenaton, but i could not mistake noticing the similarity between Abrahams hatred of the idol worship of his dad to replace him by a monotheist figure, or unique figure.

Akhenaton similarly destroyed the worship of the deities of his father.

Here is someone who says there are other similarities which would have to be checked out:

L’énigme est enfin résolue. Le pharaon monothéiste n’est personne d’autre qu’Abraham, qui vécut vers 1358 av. J.-C. Jusqu’à présent, on situait, sans preuve, l’existence d’Abraham vers 1900 av. J.-C.
Le récit biblique respecte non seulement l’ordre chronologique des faits qui ont marqué l’existence du pharaon, mais encore traduit sa vie et son action en parfait accord avec l’égyptologie : Dieu parle à Abraham = Dieu parle à Akhenaton; le sacrifice d’Abraham = le sacrifice d’Akhenaton ; la rupture d’Abraham avec le polythéisme paternel = la rupture d’Akhenaton avec le polythéisme paternel ; la beauté de Sarah, de Rébecca, de Rachel = la beauté de Néfertiti ; Abraham brise les idoles de ses pères = Akhenaton brise les idoles de ses pères ; la séparation religieuse et politique entre Jacob et Laban = la séparation religieuse et politique entre Akhenaton et son père, Aménophis III ; les intrigues entres les épouses d’Abraham = les intrigues entre les épouses d’Akhenaton ; Sarah et Agar = Néfertiti et Kiya.
Les travaux de Messod et Roger Sabbah montrent que, grâce à la Bible, la quintessence de la sagesse égyptienne est parvenue jusqu’à nous, portée par la tradition orale de ces Egyptiens qui se firent appeler les Hébreux.(1)
Sur une autre page:
Deux chercheurs français hébraïsants, Roger et Messod Sabbah,ont découvert après vingt ans d’études scrupuleuses, méthodiques et rigoureuses, le message caché de la Bible. Le peuple hébreu, celui de l’Exode, celui dont personne jusqu’à aujourd’hui n’a trouvé aucune trace dans l’Egypte ancienne, ne serait autre que la population égyptienne d’Akhet-Aton, la capitale d’Akhenaton, le premier phraraon monothéiste. (2)
Sigmud Freud, de son côté, hanté et fasciné par Moïse, proposait l’hypothèse suivante à la suite des fouilles effectuées à Tel el-Armana, site actuel de l’ancienne capitale d’Akhenaton : « Nous aimerions à présent risquer cette conclusion : si Moïse fut un Egyptien, s’il transmit sa propre religion aux Juifs, ce fut celle d’Akhenaton, la religion d’Aton. » (2)
Jamais la Bible n’a été étudiée comme une composante de l’égyptologie. Bien qu’une grande partie du récit biblique se passe en ancienne Egypte, on ne trouve aucune trace d’Abraham, de Joseph, de Moïse. Pour les archéologues, ils n’existent pas. On n’a découvert aucune preuve de leur présence tels qu’ils sont décrits dans la Genèse et dans l’Exode. (2)
Alors de troublantes questions se posent, si l’on s’en tient au récit biblique : comment se fait-il que l’on n’a pas découvert dans les textes hiéroglyphiques égyptiens des récits ou des témoignages de la présence d’une population ayant vécu quatre cent trente ans en Egypte, dont deux cent dix en esclavage, sous plusieurs pharaons ? (2)
Alors, quel était le véritable nom biblique d’Akhenaton ? L’énigme est enfin résolue. Le pharaon monothéiste n’est personne d’autre qu’Abraham, qui vécut vers 1358 av. J.-C. Jusqu’à présent, on situait, sans preuve, l’existence d’Abraham vers 1900 av. J.-C. (2)
– Leur thèse n’a pas reçu l’approbation scientifique mais soulève des questions intéressantes. À ne pas oublier que Velikovsky référait le mythe d’Oedipe à Akhenaton et avait une chronologie différente pour l’égypte ancienne de plusieurs centaines d’années. À vérifier
Pour continuer sur la similarité de la destruction des idoles du père d’Abraham, ainsi que du père d’Akhenaton:
En l’an IX de son règne, Akhénaton ira plus loin, dans une apparente radicalisation de sa réforme atonienne : il ordonne de détruire, dans les principales régions névralgiques du royaume, les images de culte des anciennes divinités12, à l’exception notable de Rê (3)




The hammer and sickle symbol

Legal controversies over the Hammer and Sickle symbol:

Essentially, they represent the only two classes that are praiseworthy in a Proletariat society: factory workers (represented by the hammer) and farmers (represented by the sickle). All other classes were considered to be the « oppressors » and were made to experience the life of the true Proletariats. 

The hammer and sickle remain a popular symbol amongst communists and certain other leftists worldwide. In most countries, there are no laws restricting the use of the symbol, so it is legal to display it publicly. This includes the majority of European countries, especially Western Europe. Two nightclubs in Austin, TX (Molotov [3] and Red7[4]) include the hammer and sickle in their logo.

However, in several countries in Eastern Europe, there are laws that define the hammer and sickle as the symbol of a « totalitarian and criminal ideology », and the public display of the hammer and sickle and other communist symbols such as the red star is considered a criminal offence. Hungary,[5] Lithuania,[6] and Moldova[7] have banned the symbol along with other communist symbols. A similar law was considered in Estonia, but eventually failed in a parliamentary committee. The foreign ministers of Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and the Czech Republic called for an EU-wide ban on communist symbols in 2010, urging the EU « to criminalize the approval, denial or belittling of communist crimes » and stating that « the denial of such crimes should be treated the same way as the denial of the Holocaust and must be banned by law ».[8]



Śani (Sanskrit: शनि, Kannada: ಶನಿ Śani, Tamil: சனி, Caṉi, Telugu: శని) is one of the Navagraha or Jyotiṣa (the nine primary celestial beings in Hindu astrology). Shani is embodied in the planet Saturn and is the Lord of Saturday. Shani is also known as Śanaiścara (शनैश्चर). (1)

– this confirms the link between Shani and Saturn evoked by the other guy. Also associated to Saturday which is Saturn day, such as in the english week.


Communism and Saturn

It strikes me that the USSR symbols are quite Saturnine.1. Empty (black) Star
2. Hammer and Sickle
3. Wheat SheavesCould the hammer and sickle be a re-arrangement of this glyph?

In ancient Roman religion and myth, Saturn (Latin: Saturnus) was a god of agriculture, liberation, and time.Under Saturn’s rule, humans enjoyed the spontaneous bounty of the earth without labor in a state of social egalitarianism.

– It is extremely interesting what this guy says et les liens qu’il fait (1)

He goes on and compares Saturn to Shani, a hindu God that he attributes to Saturn (2)

“Shani’s natural conformist leveling instincts, the urge to make everyone equal by making everyone the same” – Barbara PijanShani

  • Duties, responsibilities, obligations, laws, conformity
  • Fear, anxiety, punishment
  • bitter tastes
  • dry things
  • imprisonment, restrictions
  • enslavement, manual labor, lower castes, service workers, Everyman
  • poverty
  • suffering
  • starvation
  • scarcity
  • exhaustion, annihilation
  • Depressed, anxious, fearful
  • Hard Work!


Regulation, austerities and restrictions, Endurance , Patience, Resignation, Acceptance, Neutrality, Science, large complex regulated systems, Law and Policy, Government, Crowd Control, Public Service, Bureaucracy, distribution systems management, leadership; orderly social reform movements, conservatism, concerns of the common people, work and workers, trade unions, material survival, imposition of order and conformity to law, scarcity and fear , rough and vulgar, hunger, punishment, and death. Blackish-blue and very dark purple things.




Abraham, Brahma and Saturn

Abraham was born under the name Abram in the city of Ur (1)

Abraham Look up Abraham at Dictionary.commasc. proper name, name of the first of the patriarchs in the Old Testament, from Hebrew Abraham « father of a multitude, » from abh « father » + *raham (cognate with Arabic ruham « multitude »); the name he altered from Abram « high father, » from second element ram « high, exalted. » Related: Abrahamic. (2)

– high father

— high father would be Saturn according to Blavatsky (see article below)

Ur (SumerianUrim;[1] Sumerian Cuneiform: 𒋀𒀕𒆠 URIM2KI or 𒋀𒀊𒆠 URIM5KI;[2] AkkadianUru;[3] Arabic: أور‎) was an important Sumerian city-state in ancient Mesopotamia located at the site of modern Tell el-Muqayyar (Arabic: تل المقير‎) in Iraq‘s Dhi Qar Governorate.[4] (4)

Once a coastal city near the mouth of the Euphrates on the Persian Gulf, Ur is now well inland, south of the Euphrates on its right bank, 16 kilometres (9.9 mi) from Nasiriyah.[5 (4)

– Once a coastal city near the mouth of the Euphrates on the Persian Gulf, Ur is now well inland

— why did it change place, huge catastrophe? like the Nile that changed place, water moved away

He was the son of Terach (2)

Définition de « Terach »

Térach, Tarach = « halte, délai, retard » (3)

Abram tried to convince his father, Terach, of the folly of idol worship. One day, when Abram was left alone to mind the store, he took a hammer and smashed all of the idols except the largest one. (1)

– he took a hammer and smashed all of the idols except the largest one

— did he try to kill his sons as Cronos did, but couldnt kill the Titan, Zeus, the strongest of the Gods





Brahma et Abraham

Le dieu Brahma

Brahma et Abraham les liens etymologiques

Brahma était l’époux de Sarasvati

Abraham était l’époux de Sarah

Intéressant à noter que Abraham comme Cronos, le dieu grec qui représente la planète Saturne, à tenter de tuer son fils, Isaac.

À vérifier et pistes intéressantes

On page 578 – Blavatsky says: Now we have to remember that Siva and the Palestinian Baal, or Moloch, and Saturn are identical;

 that Abraham is held until the present day by the Mohammedan Arabas as Saturn in the Kaaba; that Abraham and Israel were
names of Saturn

Abraham, their alleged father, belongs tot he universal mythology. Most likely he is but one of 

other numerous aliases of Zeruan (Saturn), the king of the golden age, who is also called the old man (emblem of time). 

It is now demonstrated by Assyriologists that in the old Chaldean books. Abraham is called Zeru-an, or Zerb-an – meaning one very rich
in gold and silver, and a mighty prince.  He is also callled Zarouan and Zarman – a decrepit old man.

As noted here:  Azrael, angel of death, is also Israel. Ab-ram means father of elevation, high-placed father, for Saturn is the highest or
outermost planet.   Saturn is generally represented as a very old man, with a sickle in his hand.